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Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 13:10:23 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 94 02:34 EST
Subject: Gem List (fwd)
Subject: Gem List
Subject: Re: Buttons Buttons Buttons
Subject: Re: Buttons Buttons Buttons
Subject: Re: Online Help
Subject: Digest
Subject: RE: Re: Buttons Buttons Buttons
Subject: Re: RE: Re: Buttons Buttons Buttons
Subject: Re: Dialogs & Extra Buttons
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 13:10:23 -0400 (EDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Forwarded message:
>From 0006795560@mcimail.com Sat Jul 16 03:37:08 1994
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 94 02:34 EST
From: "Daniel J. Hollis" <0006795560@mcimail.com>
To: ems <gem-list-approval@world.std.com>
Subject: Gem List
Message-Id: <50940716073405/0006795560PK2EM@mcimail.com>
Subject: Re: Buttons Buttons Buttons
>Ofir Gal wrote:
>>2. Holding the right button allows clicking in background windows with the
>> left button, very useful and also the standard behaviour. Works very
>> well in the desktop and Papyrus is another example where you can move
>> the cursor around and even select text while in the font selector.
>This is an incredible waste of a button. It also violates the principle
>of not requiring the user to hold down multiple buttons to perform an
For once we agree. :-) *NO OTHER GUI* requires a right click combo to
get at background window gadgets. It's a waste of time, and it's a stupid
design. It wastes a button that could otherwise be used for something
more useful like a *tool*, rather than *wasting* it on background buttons.
>>3. Allow the right button to be used on background windows without topping
>> them. I personally find this very useful and implemented it in my
>> toolkit as a user option. It is also used in Datalite and Ease where
>> you can move/copy/drag files without having to top windows.
>Totally confusing. All you need to do is allow the user to use the window
>title, or any unused area of the window to top the window. In an extreme
>case, also allow a meta key, such as Alt-Ctrl to make the left button top
>the window.
My philosophy is that there should be *NO DISTINCTION ON BUTTON
FUNCTIONALITY* whether a window is in the 'background' or 'foreground'. The
*SAME BUTTONS* should work on the *SAME WINDOW* whether it's topped or not.
Changing the mouse buttons required to click a gadget in the *SAME WINDOW*
depending on its level in the window stack gets totally confusing.
>I have my WINCOLOURS set up so that the top window is very little different
>to untopped windows (just the title text changes colour). This infatuation
>GEM has with topping windows is something we should be getting away from,
>not setting in stone standards.
Agreed. If the appearance doesn't change, why require a change in mouse
button behaviour?
>If you use MultiTOS, you'll soon become tired of topping windows if you
>move back and forth between applications, and if you have a large enough
>screen to have multiple non-overlapping application windows.
This is even more apparent in Windows where MDI applications have children
windows in their main window. Under normal Windows if you click on one
of those child processes, you'll bring the whole damned parent application
*AND ALL OF ITS CHILD WINDOWS* to the top. This is totally stupid, especially
if you're trying to do something productive.
There is a PD patch program called (interestingly enough) 'WinX' (no, this
is not the same WinX as on the Atari, it is by a different person) for
Microsoft Windows, and it allows you to activate background window gadgets
without having to top them first. This is very very useful, i.e. you've got
a word processor open, and file manager with 3 or 4 child windows. I can keep my
word processor window topped and scroll the background child windows up and
down to reference files for a document I'm writing. If I had to keep topping
and untopping applications, the job would take 10 times longer.
WinX also lets you keep the keyboard 'focus' on a certain application if you
like, so you can background a word processor window and still keep typing
into it. Not exactly useful, but.... :-)
It also has an option to automatically top windows that the mouse enters,
but I find this 'feature' annoying as hell. Fortunately WinX allows you to
turn this off.
It also has a nice feature in that you can mark a window as 'always topped'
so that it can never be obscured. This is nice for programs which don't have
such a feature internally.
WinX also lets you 'pull' any window forward one level, or push it back
one level (or all the way to the back), without having to 'top' it first.
This is handy for rearranging the window stack without having to un-top the
application you're currently using.
My philosophy is, the functionality of the GUI should not get in the way
of the user, it should make life EASIER for the user, not more difficult.
--Dan Hollis
Subject: Re: Buttons Buttons Buttons
>>This is an incredible waste of a button. It also violates the principle
>>of not requiring the user to hold down multiple buttons to perform an
>I totally disagree, I wouldn't want Papyrus to work in any other way. It
>doesn't violate anything, this is the way the desktop has behave[d] for the
>last 5 years.
Just because the desktop does it that way doesn't mean it's the right way.
The desktop allocates all of RAM for even a 0 byte file copy, but you would
think this is the right way to do things simply because the desktop does it?
MS-DOS is limited to 640k, but this does not mean that Microsoft is correct
in their design. But you would argue that a 640k limit is perfectly
acceptable just because it's been that way for 8 years.
>>>3. Allow the right button to be used on background windows without topping
>>Totally confusing. All you need to do is allow the user to use the window
>>title, or any unused area of the window to top the window. In an extreme
>>case, also allow a meta key, such as Alt-Ctrl to make the left button top
>>the window.
>Why? And what is an 'unused' part of a window?
Actually it should be : 'click' TOPS a window
'press' ACTIVATES a window gadget
Is this so difficult to understand?
>What has mouse button response to do with screen resolutions? All the
>programs I have run happily in 880*656 and still manage to follow this
>standard mouse behaviour.
Atari's "standards" are not always the correct ones. Besides the fact
that atari did not 'declare' the mouse button behaviour as a standard --
it is still open to interpretation.
--Dan Hollis
Subject: Re: Online Help
>>Has any discussion gone into a standard for online help on the GEM
>>list yet?
IMHO, PureC's help system is acceptable. Programs like CoNnect have
similar help systems, but IMHO CoNnect goes a little overboard :-)
>>I remember some mentions of 1st Guide, but that was lost in the tidal wave
>>of keyboard shortcut discussion...
>We have started talking about this. There are several items that need
>further discussion:
>Non-modal dialogues
Modal dialogs (i.e. do_alert) should be avoided in 99.9999% of cases.
'modal' dialogs should be modal for only 1 application (i.e. windowed
modal dialog) and should NOT stop task switching for other applications.
Only catastrophic errors (i.e. virtual memory manager crashes, etc. :-)
should bring up a system-wide modal dialog (i.e. do_alert). If some program
brings up a 'printer not connected' alert box, your background BBS program
will halt. This is totally unacceptable.
>Palette handling
Simple. First 16 colors are 'reserved' standard colors that any application
can depend on NOT changing. The remaining colors can be changed by any
application. It would be nice if there were some standard method where
programs could 'allocate' colors they needed, but this is not possible with
the normal VDI.
>keyboard shortcuts config file
This *DOES* need discussion. It is a very very good idea, IMHO -- let the
users choose whatever damn key equivalents they want. They can customize
the key equivalents to their own local country keyboard.
>right mouse button behaviour
Should be a non-issue, IMHO. The same mouse buttons should have